The Constitution

We The People. As Free Thinking, Culturally Rich Individuals.

  1. No donations of any kind is accepted for the main zeda site. We are an All volunteer core.
  2. Never will anyone be required to have or to carry or to bear on their person any type of Identification of any kind. May We All. Forever Be Free.
  3. Let no Man Tread on Another's Culture.
  4. Our Objective is to raise the income of the Human Race.
  5. The URL / and the idea are/is the property of the Human Race.
  6. All of the Human Race has a right to vote on all important issues.
  7. One Person One vote. Majority rules.
  8. All zeda's have complete autonomy and sovereignty,
  9. zeda's cannot make rules for other zeda's.
  10. We are blind to any Religion, Race or Political view.
  11. No moneys will ever be charged or levied in any way to anyone on Earth.
  12. Every zeda will post all donations and income received and all expenses paid for public scrutiny.
  13. All of the Human Race is accepted. As long as all laws of their Governments are followed fully, no one will ever be permanently kicked off. They will just need to comply.
  14. All Property, Physical or Not, shall remain the Original Owners'. shall lay no claim on any Property, Physical or Not, within.
  15. New Editor will be voted in, in sequence with the American vote every four years on the first Tuesday of November.
  16. Two four year terms maximum.
  17. Natural male and female alternating.

Randy T Poole

Randy Thomas Poole.  September 21, 1997



  1. rules
  2. The Constitution.
  3. Please use common sense.
  4. To respect all cultures zeda must remain G Rated for the General Audience.
  5. Books/Ledger need to be completed every 30 days.
  6. If you would like to be removed off, you need only ask. Within 24 hours it will be done.
  7. We will need written permission from your government in order to start a zeda in your country.
  8. Founder Randy Poole 1st term starts at next American election cycle after zeda gets going. After the four year term his challenger will be female. If Randy Poole wins a final four year term his challenger is still a female. Always male female male female
  9. And Please have Fun. That should be your main Job. To Enjoy your lot in life.