There's a thing not sure what it's called. England says we're not running our Government like those Americans! The Americans saying well we're not running our Government like China. Everyone has to 1up each other.
(note: population bubble inside ideas bubble ;)
Ii have always been the kind of guy who thought You could fit all 8 billion people in the state of Texas. It looks like nature has found it's way as with Population decline in all developed nations. What do we do about it? Ii don't know, we celebrate it i guess. We are moving into an different economic mind set. You will look at Your whole life, if Ii live to be 170 Ii will need this many calories, this kind of environmental conditions. We will work towards the things we need.
(note: this is an bubble that floats around in the diagram, it's name ideas. Don't pop the bubble's!)
Inside the ideas bubble is another bubble named "30 day retail" their are some great empty store fronts in downtown Portland. Ii know of a peach grove near Half Way OR that very well could be before Noah Peaches, in today's market in a June 30 day retail, Ii could get 10.00 a peach (all day long;) they are that good. Ii think 30 day retail is something to think about.
(Note: this is the north point of the diamond, that has another point on top of it, will draw this out w/ gimp.)
In a word "Highly Inefficient" to be homeless, by maybe a factor of a 100.
Too every male on earth, forget about it. What ever Your doing it does not matter. All energy needs to be directed to building an Perfect Environmental Controlled Living Area for All Humans, do this and we end dispersion, and will dance on the planets of our solar system.
(This is a point on the N point on the square. Starting 1/2 way from W to N and E to N on the square. The size being the same as center to N point on the square. When i post the center of the diagram, that is the full meaning of the diagram. i call it the Light House and the human (Jesus is the Light House;))
(i would like to turn the square 45° clockwise, so the NE corner is now E.
that sound ♫ hum hum de de de de de de de de de de hum-hum ♫ i think it's getting closer. Send 24 Scouts to see what that is.
No 4, remember i am Vulcan on this. This next post no 4 will probably make everyone upset, but You should not be afraid to hear the truth of what someone thinks. Like i have said before, You will not find 2 people who believe the same thing;)
(this is a floating point somewhere in the diagram.)
Would like to create an back-fire in Oregon on the war against man made drugs. A man made drug is like putting a square in a octagon, it kinda fits. The idea is to fly to Afghanistan buy all their opium and flood the streets cheep.
(this is a floating point somewhere in the diagram.)
i yelled "i am inherently lazy" my friend at work he was on the backhoe yelled "we all are". When we was kicked out of the Garden i do not think God meant for us to work every second of every day. Tips: To the high income. Proposal You keep Your wealth. We will work for 2 or 3 dollar's an hour as long as we can pay all our bills w/ money left over each month working 20 to 25 hr a week.
(No it's not impossible figure it out;)
(i keep hearing this sound ♫ hum hum de de de de de hum-hum de de de de de hum-hum ♫ not sure what it is, no it's not ac-dc thunder, ii can't take from the first earths all time best licks.)
(this is the north east corner of a square in the middle of the diagram. The time line is 2.4° off center, behind diagram. (Always growing apart from center as time goes on;) some one in a 100 years will look at this diagram differently (o randy's road of good intentions, we all know how that turned out;))
You do know as a Christian Zealot i was only given one job on earth? To Love Everyone As Myself.