
By Randy-Poole, 18 August, 2022

That's not good is the irss only hiring the Chinese? It is true they plan to take everyone's gold and silver. It's all about who will run the money. Joey, Kimmy, the cmep and paton. Do these have anyone on their side? Their most trusted worker works for us. Our eyes are everywhere! It will be like shooting fish in a barrel. Ii see Me holding all 4 of them, like the end of Black Panther, whatching the sun set, and Joey says will death hurt ran, no but there has to be Justice, sorry my friend.

Only the most used Cripto wins is why Bitcoin is it. Shur You have the less then normal moving in and out of Bitcoin to make it look vanerable. That just shows it strength. (Ii wish they would stop arguing our side we can handle it:) as w/ all the net the porn industry started video, buying stuff, sound, the dark net also known as the dod and they use Bitcoin, it is here to stay. There are only 32k that will ever be made, it will never be inflatable.